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back pain relief
back pain relief


Low back pain video from Doctor Mike Evans


You are probably reading this because you have recurring or chronic low back pain. You’re not alone. Almost everyone has at least one episode of disabling back pain during their lifetime, and a large minority of Americans has frequent or chronic back pain. It’s the most common reason people miss work worldwide, and the third leading cause of trips to the doctor in the United States. Fortunately, with or without medical treatment, most back pain resolves within weeks. The video on this page is an excellent overview of this common condition. is here to help you to understand your condition, to get beyond this episode, to take better care of your back, and to recognize the warning signs of a serious medical problem. If you would like more information, take a look at the Web Links on the Resources page.

Information presented on this site is based on published articles and guidelines of the National Institutes of Health, the National Center for Quality Assurance, the North American Spine Society and others. But is not comprehensive, and is not a substitute for personalized medical care and guidance from your doctor.


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