Help For My Back
What should I do about my back pain?
Regardless of cause, most back pain is not serious, improves over several weeks and does not require special testing. But if you have any of the Red Flags, you should get medical attention. Assuming the Red Flags don’t apply to you, treatment is simple:
Apply heat to the area, but avoid using electric heating pads – they can burn your skin
Use anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen (Advil and Aleve are examples)
Stay active. If you have back pain, don’t take it lying down! Get up and move. Walking, riding a bicycle and swimming are good low-impact exercises which can be started immediately in most cases.
Do some simple stretches and avoid staying in any one position for more than 20-30 minutes
If you work at a desk, try adjusting your chair and desk to a more ergonomic position.
When sleeping, try lying in a curled-up, fetal position with a pillow between your legs.If you usually sleep on your back, place a pillow or rolled towel under your knees to relieve pressure.If you have neck pain, sleep with neck in neutral position.
Do not perform activities that involve heavy lifting or twisting of your back for the first few weeks after the pain begins.As you start to feel better, you can gradually resume your normal exercise and work routine.
Don’t worry. Stress and fear only make you feel worse, and tend to make you less active, not more.
If you are not getting better after a few weeks, further evaluation may be needed, but it’s not urgent unless you have developed one or more Red Flags. When you see your healthcare professional, he or she will take a detailed history of your condition, consider other medical conditions and symptoms you might have, and make a decision as to whether medication, physical therapy, chiropractic, or other measures are needed. In some cases, blood tests, x-rays, MRI or CT scan may be required to determine the cause of back pain.